April 2023 Agribidder & Equibid Release Notes
Multi-Attend Widget Edit
The Multi-Attend widget will now only span the first column of the UI.
New Cattle Sale Option for Post Pen Selection
There will now be a new cattle sale option for “Post Pen Selection”. This new option for the cattle segment will be turned off by default and shown only if the market segment is Cattle.
Update Attend Flow
The attend flow has been updated to improve functionality and user experience. Some verbiage changes have been made and timed “attend” will now request badges. The modal will display the badge(s) and have a “Continue” button. Clicking “Continue” will take the user to the inventory with the event filter applied. “Attend” will follow the current flow for Live – Today. For Live – Future, “Attend” will request membership (if none exist), select a lane, request badges (if none exist), and show badge(s).
Pagination Navigation Will Return User to Top of Page
Hitting a new page via pagination navigation will now return the user to the top of the page. It will not break the positional scroll feature when returning from the vehicle detail page and pressing “Back to”. Going from the bottom of the inventory to other pages will also return the user to the top.
Per Page Options Will Save to User
The user’s per page option on inventory will now be saved and retained even after logging out. This can be done by using local storage.