February 2023 Agribidder & Equibid Release Notes
Child Site Design Changes
Auction-branded sites will now have a call to action section on their login pages including a paragraph about the auction house and an image.
Changes Inventory Exporting
Inventory pages now have a button labeled “Export”. Exported product catalogs now offer improved formatting and branding for auction houses. Users can choose to export the catalog as a print-ready PDF file or in CSV format in addition to printing directly from the catalog.
Lane Selector Added to Attendance Flow
The updated attendance flow for live auctions with multiple lanes now prompts bidders to select which lane they would like to enter upon checking in. This ensures bidders are directed to the correct lane for bidding on the items they are interested in.
Feedback Notification
Bidders will now receive a notification and email after they submit product feedback. The email will include support information.